Monday, March 30, 2009
Just My Civic Duty....
On to other news...Yesterday was an AWESOME day at LifeSong Church! We left the building to invest in the lives of others in our community. This was not a "door to door, let me tell ya about LifeSong" day. This was a day to take time and look around at all the needs around us and pray about how God would have you meet these needs and DO IT TO IT! We distributed over $1300 to families in attendance at LifeSong yesterday and waited to hear how God chose to use our people to show the love of Christ in practical ways to our community. THIS is my love language, y'all! I love hearing how people are blessing others and receiving blessings in return. Hop on over to my husband's blog and read all of these great stories. It is very much like my "Pay it Forward" post a while back, but OH SO MUCH BETTER to see firsthand!
The girls are on Spring Break this week. We have no concrete plans, but today we took a day of rest and we all slept in! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I stuck my earplugs in and didn't even hear Jeff leave to go to work! Gotta love that! Hopefully we'll see the outdoors this week and take a day to go to the park.
Quinn is keeping us smiling these days! She may be 25 months, but this child knows the culture around her. Today she told us, "I want to have that iPod!" iPod??? Since when did one of your children's first few complete sentences contain the word 'ipod'?
For any friends that may live in the area, check out our Aroma blog in our women's ministry at LifeSong, and consider taking part in our first ever COMMUNITY Bible study. We'll be studying "Esther" by Beth Moore. No question that you'll love it, but the question is, "will you come?" I would be honored to have you!
Hopefully, we'll update this week with pictures of our Spring Break! Happy Spring Y'all!
Menu Plan Monday
Menu March 30-April 6th - I had to repeat some things this week b/c we didn't follow our plan so much last week due to this or that!
Monday, 30th – Mini Chicken Sandwiches
Carrot Sticks in Ranch
Baked Chips
Tuesday, 31st -
Green Beans
Potato Salad
Shoney's Strawberry Pie (taking this to my cousin...we're having it Sunday)
Mother/Daughter (s) Tea Party (just my girls and me)
We'll eat our regular dinner and then enjoy tea with Graham Cracker Sticks and
Lemon Dip
1/2 cup lemon juice (from bottle) mixed with 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
(this tastes just like lemon pie!)
Thursday, 2nd – Honey Lemon Chicken with Brown Rice
Lettuce Wraps
Friday, 3rd – Hamburger Helper for girls
Saturday, 4th – Wedding/Pizza for girls
Sunday, 5th – Chicken Pot Pie
Herbed Mashed Potatoes
Garden Salad
Shoney’s Strawberry Pie with Whipped Cream
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Late Menu Plan - Menu Plan TUESDAY!
Monday, 23rd - London Broil with Mushrooms (I cook mine on a low heat for about 3-4 hours in coffee and cream of mushroom soup)
Squash and Zucchini over Whole Grain Egg Noodle Pasta (topped with parmesan cheese)
Steamed Green Beans
Tuesday, 24th - Arroz Con Pollo with Black Beans
Wednesday, 25th - Barbecue Chicken
Potato Salad
Green Beans
Shoney's Strawberry Pie
Thursday, 26th - Honey Lemon Chicken with Steamed Broccoli
Lettuce Wraps
Brown Rice
Friday, 27th - Out
Saturday, 28th - Pabellon (my love meal from Venezuela)
Carne Mechada, Plantanos, Rice/Black Beans, and Arepas
Sunday, 29th - Chicken Pot Pie
Mandarin Orange Garden Salad with Vinaigrette
Herbed Mashed Potatoes
Pound Cake with fresh Strawberries and Whipped Cream
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My New Love Affair

Quinn loves to go to the park...LOVES to be outside, so that's where we've been...A LOT!
I should have included this in my last post, but Jeff got his first pedicure in Vegas. I got one, too, but this picture of Bobby and Jeff is so much more fun. So, definitely, pedicures is what we have been doing and hope to do more now that flip flop weather is coming back!
We had the LifeSong Youth over Sunday night. I'll admit traumatized me slightly to have so many in our house (about 30), but I love them. Here the boys are trying to set fire to our house with the S'Mores maker!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Lean On Me
So much has been going on since my last post, and if you were one of the three comments made on my Pay It Forward post, your gift will be coming soon. Rest assured, you have not been forgotten! We have been traveling so much...well, at least I have. Jeff and I both had the opportunity to visit LifeSong Las Vegas recently and spend some time with our dear, dear friends Bobby and Britt Tyler. We have known them since we served in Dillon, SC almost five years ago. They are some of the people that God brings into your life that, once you first meet them, your hearts are bonded for life. They are like flesh and blood to us, so planting LifeSong Lyman and LifeSong Las Vegas has certainly been an extra special experience for our families. We are so excited to become adopted Uncle and Aunt to their new baby girl set to arrive in July. She will be one more loved on baby!
We so enjoyed our time spent encouraging them, loving on them and spending time with them in their work in Las Vegas. We're ready to hop the next plane back to see them soon!
We are so grateful for Jeff's parents and our sister-in-law, Renee, keeping Quinn for us, and for our sweet friends Beva and Barbie staying here in Lyman to keep the other girls. How blessed we feel to have them invest in our life in order for us to go!
A couple of days after we returned from LV, I packed up again and headed out to Nashville, TN with two of our Pastor's wives here at LifeSong Lyman for the Living Proof Live Minister's Wives Conference