Sunday, November 9, 2008

Menus for November 9th-November 17th

I thought I would start sharing my menus for the weeks. Back in the day, I was positively "religious" about doing menus, but lately, I've been slack. I usually know what we'll be having for dinner, but here lately, I have gotten way off track and we've been doing too much running to and from the store. I hope that this will help discipline us back as we were. I like to share my ideas for making your home a more comfortable and smooth place to live, so feel free to borrow my ideas. I borrow them from all over.

Sunday: Lunch - Shepherd's Pie, Tossed Salad, Green Beans, Butterfingers Cake
Dinner - Paninis with assorted Deli Meat, Sweet Potato Fries with Garlic Mayonnaise

Monday: Dinner plans outside of our home

Tuesday: LifeGroup - I'll be making black beans to go with Allison's King Ranch Chicken; I'm also taking a Sopapilla Cheesecake (I'll post this recipe later this week!)

Jessica Simpson's Chicken and Dumplings, Turnip Greens, Rice

Thursday: Glazed Pork Chops, Cheese Potato Puff, Green Beans

Friday: Vegetable Soup, Grilled Cheese

Saturday: Party at my sister's house, so Jeff and the girls are eating Chicken Tender Sandwiches

Sunday: Potato Soup, Ham Delights, Autumn Cheesecake Pie

Monday - Provolone Chicken, Artichoke Pasta, Salad


The Pettigrew's said...

Do you have room for at least one more...Tucker doesn't eat. This is a good idea for a lot of reasons. I like it.

Marsha said...

Good morning Amy: Anybody up to giving this ole' girl some cooking lessons? Your menus sound fabulous but everybody knows I'm not a cook! Thanks for sharing the menus. I'm looking forward to getting your recipes. You're very sweet to share :-)

Resia said...

Now I remember why I love you. You're the only person I know that gets as excited as I do about cooking dinner. Oh yeah, you share my passion for dishes too! I got some new dessert dishes. I can't wait to use them. Got any good ideas?