There's a whole lot going on in my life right now. Before you stop reading because you think this is a post about being busy, never fear...I don't like that word..."busy". It has become too much of a status quo statement maker. The busier we are, the more successful we're supposed to appear. Instead, I'm trying to focus on the little details of my days...the insignificant and the significant. I just want each moment to be LIVED, and not regretted. I want to love well and in turn, love God by loving others. So, here's a little peek into my life TODAY, and if I can be intentional to love through even the most tiny detail, then I'm going to relish it!
What I'm reading: "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan - Really has been the impetus for this post. Lately, it has pinpointed in my life not minimizing the ways I CAN love right now, without all of the excuses that I'm good at making, such as "life is just so mundane/routine," "I never come in contact with other people...other than the grocery store," "How can I make a difference?" Rather, know that God has commanded me to love Him and love others, and by loving others, I am loving Him and desiring more and more of Him when I'm exercising love. It's becoming real to me through the hug I can give, the meal I can prepare for others or even my family, through the kiss I can give my girls in the morning that's not easy for this morning person, or through loving and praying for that difficult person. It's practical. It's real. It's freeing.
My favorite activities: I wrote a post recently on being intentional to spend one on one time with my girls, and the month of January was more special to me just because of this alone! I loved getting to sit with my girls and hear even the smallest detail of their day, or what they are into right now. They always amaze me by sharing their heart. Sometimes I think I know them, but then they surprise me even more.
Date nights are consistently one of my favorite activities. I never get tired of spending time with Jeff. We just get along...plain and simple. I love every bit of time I can spend with him. His heart is the purest! He is just an amazing person to get to know. We laugh, we sit and stare at one another, we enjoy our time! We are beginning to get healthier together and I love being on whatever journey God puts us on right now...together!
I still enjoy reality TV. It just amuses me. I definitely think it's fallen into the "favorite pastime category. Along w/ that, I love keeping in touch with friends through Facebook, Twitter and email. It's really strengthened my friendships, when I keep it in check! ;)
New ventures: I'm all about relationships. They breathe life into me, and lately this aspect of my life has taken a newer, richer turn. I've been able to connect myself with some great wives of Pastor's. These ladies have been such an encouragement, whether it be the ones I've had the pleasure to meet in person, or the ones I know through Facebook, Twitter and blogging. They teach me and enrich my life. I had the honor of meeting with five wives of pastor's last week as a part of the coaching network Jeff has been attending the last six months. It was such an edifying time to hear all God is doing in these ladies' lives to make them the lead pastor's wife that God wants them to be. I really appreciate the words spoken over my life during that time. God has put so many neat people, in general, in my life lately. Their humility, vulnerability and love have all worked to make me a better me!
Deeper callings: In loving well, I continue to know God is challenging me and moving me to a greater place alongside my husband as he leads our church. I LOVE being married to a pastor. Even in the times of figuring out my place of leading others, it's a joy to be a part of seeing lives changed. I am excited to be more intentional as Jeff and I lead together and as was spoken over my life at the coaching network, to "relish my reality." I am excited to move forward in the confidence of my calling to encourage and love, in order to be who God wants ME to be!
I encourage you today to take a look at all areas of your life. Sometimes we don't take the time to realize that we are difference makers, and that our life that never seems to matter much, matters to someone! What are you doing TODAY to love Him well?
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
5 days ago