I bet you thought I had died, didn't you? If you didn't then my feelings are hurt! Naw! We've been in a whirlwind of activity, but in keeping with my promise to not use the word - shhhhh - "busy" - I'll just say "whirlwind." :) We enjoyed a nice time in Green Pond for Thanksgiving. Jeff took the big girls fishing and Avery caught her very first fish. She was beside herself! She brought that fish back and carted it around in her hands, and then got a very fascinating lesson from her Daddy about guts and stuff as they cleaned the fish together. You can imagine, this was right up Avery's alley. Word has it Papa Hickman was gonna eat him for dinner one night. We'll have to let you know how he tasted next time we talk to Papa!We went into Charleston for our Thanksgiving lunch to Jeff's brother's, Cary's, house. There was WAY too much food, as usual, but everything I tasted was delicious. I'm pretty sure we could've fed an entire army with what was leftover, though. We didn't stay long after lunch because we had to get back for Jeff to get ready to call the big Byrnes/Dorman game, and my dear husband indulged me by getting me back in time to catch a few zzzzz's and go shopping at 3:30am with my mom and sisters. It is such a special tradition for us, and I didn't think I would get to go this year. We shopped until 3:30pm the next day! Yes, we did!! I got everything done except for about three presents. Can you say relief? I love giving gifts, but getting them on such a large scale can divert my focus from where it should be this time of year. I'm thankful to say I'm almost done and I'm looking on to entertaining our friends and family at our home over the next few weeks. That is where my love lies! I can't wait to spend time with all of them!
I read a great book over the Thanksgiving break - The Shack. Some differ with me on this, but I thought it captured how we, a fallen people are, how we view God as though He only sits in Judgement of us, and how we say relationship, but do we really know what that means? I recommend it, and though I don't buy many books, this book is something I hope to own.
We've decorated the tree. I haven't remembered to take pictures at night yet when things look a little more festive, but tonight I hope to get some good shots of it, and post them soon. I love this time of year, and the feeling in my home now is cozy and festive. I may just keep up the decorations year around!
We have now, ALL of us, caught the stomach virus! It ravaged through our home over a span of three weeks! I am personally sick of being sick! Hopefully Mr. Germy is out of our house and we can go a long time before he revisits!
Hope your season of celebrating our Savior's birth has started off in the right direction. What a gift we've been given, and yet we hardly celebrate it like we should. I pray this Christmas is life-altering for you! Knowing my Savior has surely been life-altering for me!
Enjoy these pictures of our adventures...
The road leading to Green Pond!

Avery's first fish! She was soooo proud!

This is where Quinn CHOSE to spend her time...Aunt Amber's and Uncle Benji's dog's cage.

The tired shoppers...Amy and Katie

My mom and Missy after a LONG day...my mom lost almost "angelic" in this picture with that halo effect...I tried and tried to take it off, but wouldn't you know...it wouldn't budge! :)
I am glad someone else liked The Shack other than me. I am not a great reader but that book held my attention, I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen. I just kept reminding myself that it was just fiction. It is a good way to start a conversation with a non believer!
I know why that halo wouldn't come off my picture. It is ATTACHED to me.
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